Sunday 1 August 2010

First Who..Then What

What do we try to do? What should we do? What is the perks? What is the objective? There are so many "Whats" before we embarking to achieve something. The truth is, people always trap in "what" before commencing any actions to achieve what they want. For my opinion, it is the "who" that is really matter. We should change the concept of "what" to "who" in order to success in life.

Skills and knowledge is important. Especially come to "What" questions. Yet, skills and knowledge can be teach and trained. It is not the birthright or genetical. Therefore, knowing what to do and possess the skill to do it is not really going to guarantee you to success. But, "who" or should I said behavior, character and belief is difficult to nurtured. You can't send a person to 5 years university or intensive 5 days short course, expecting that will change a person behavior. It is almost impossible. The old saying in Chinese, "it is more easier to change a nation dynasty than change a person character", has proven to be truth by many main stream professional physiologist. Discipline, ethic and a strong heart is the essence to dictate whether a person would success or otherwise. There is why, we seen many A students who graduated from college and yet failed in their life. Yet, many C students who drop out of high school end up to be rich and successful. It does not mean that education is not important. What I trying to say is that, it takes behavior and positive character to determine a person's chances of success. If we examine those C students who drop out of high school, they are the one who learned from the failure during academy times, and change in behavior, and strive to success. And those who possess well-trained skills, graduated first class from university, they do not have a good character therefore could not strive well in real life regardless how educated they are.

The points is, before ask yourself what to do in order to success, simply ask yourself, what should your be? Who to be? That in order to bring you from point E to point A in your life.

1 comment:

  1. it takes behavior and positive character to determine a person's chances of success!!!
    learned from the failure during academy times, and change in behavior, and strive to success!!!
    Good post ~!!!
