Wednesday 28 July 2010

Entrepreneurship: Words of Life

There are slow words and fast words when come to investing. The rich use the fast words and the poor use the slow words. In Sunday school we learn, the words become flesh. It is what you speak in words that reflect what you are. It is the words you speak or spoke that entice us to action on what we preach. Words can motivate and de-motivate us in doing something. Slow words make you poor and fast words make you rich.

I believe there basically 3 big words that dictate people life: (1) Security, (2) Comfortable, (3)Freedom. Each words are speak of different context and content. Each word has different reality. Therefore, people will choose different life based on which word that is the highest priority for them.

People who preach security will be put roof on the top of head, food on the table at their highest priority. Job security, high paid jobs, government pension funds, social security and other perks are at the highest priority for them. These people could not to tolerate month without paycheck. They could not associate their life with risks. They are the group who belief their future is under responsibility of government and company. They are the victim society that believe everything should come from outside of them. External factors are the one that dictate their life. Most of the middle class and poor people are fall into this group.

The second type of people is the one who preach comfortable. This group of people are the group who are smart and responsible to their life to certain extend. They believe that everything they could have today is the product of they did yesterday. But being rich are not important to them. These people can take risks, but until certain level. They have their own threshold. They love to be comfortable and love to do only what they like to do only. They are the often self-employed class people or the high paid executives. They invest some portions of their money with moderate return with moderate risks associate with. They just want to have a big house, a vacation home, 2 big cars, high standard of livings and perhaps a million dollar in bank. They are the group that may look rich, but they spend almost as high as they earned to make them self comfortable. When any new idea that introduce to them which might disturb their comfort, they will shun away, and go back to their comfort zone. This class of people are those who at the high managerial position in big A firm, professional such as doctor, lawyer and engineer. These people still working for money.

The third class of people are the rich who want only freedom. These people put freedom above anything in their life. They are the group of people who always associate with risks. They love risks, because it is the only way to achieve freedom. Freedom is the product of being financially free. Financial free is a byproduct of being rich. And risks can bring you fortune people could never be able to imagined once it is managed well. Therefore, they learn how to control the risks and weight the reward ratio to the risks. If the rewards outweigh the risks, they can afford to fail as many as they could in order to success once. They love challenges and achievements. They are the one who come out of no way, no title, no money, but with passion and idea of rich. They are the one who could create fortune from nothing. They are the riches, the one who create jobs, build buildings, and the one could make a nation prosper. The are the true capitalist.

"The true happiness is the product of achievement. The true achievement only can be realize when risks is associated. When there is no risk, there will be no achievement. And if there is no achievement, there will be no true happiness."
Quote By Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald"

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