Wednesday 4 August 2010

Leveraging Other People Time

Leveraging simply mean to do more and more with less and less. This is the second important words in business and investing. For most people, leveraging only can be related to money, debt and bank. Nothing could further than that. Leveraging also can be related to intangible elements such as relationship, health and time. Time is one of the most important and valuable things in life. And time could be simply mean as speed. In today world, getting rich is not difficult. But getting rich quick is need high financial intelligent. It will be useless to become rich at the age of 90s, when you had consumed your whole life to achieve it. You might be rich, but you has no time to enjoy it. So, to buy time, you need to leverage it. We only have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. That is the maximum time, we could produce by individual. To accumulate wealth and make it growth, we need mass of time. 24 hours is definitely not enough. To solve the problem, the rich has come out with a brilliant solution - other people time. This why most company wiling to pay out hundred of million of paycheck every months to their employee. They pay them for their time. They leverage other people times. If you can leverage one more person time, you now has 48 hours, if you have 3, you got 72 hours, and if you have 1000, you now have virtually 24000 hours. If a project to accumulate 1 billion dollar require 240000 hours to complete the task, by numerical term, if you pursue by your self, you need at least 10000 days or 27.39 years to work it out, not to count the time of sleep, eat, social and recreation. yet, if you got 10000 employee work under you, you could have achieve the 1 billion dollar by 1 day . Consider the paycheck for 10000 employee is at 10 million dollar of that month. You virtually earn yourself of 990 million on that month, while only require 24 hours to complete the task. So by leveraging other people time, you not only could complete the job faster, you can have more ideas, more diversify skills and more alternative to achieve wealth and make it grow. In other word, leveraging other people time is the key why rich are getting richer and the middle class and poor remain poor.

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