Tuesday 2 November 2010

Information Age - Change is Wealth

Berlin wall had tumbled down on 1989. It mark the end of industrial age that started 500 years ago, when Columbus sail out Atlantic ocean to seek a new trade route to east. Today, on 2010, our new information age, our new world is 21 years old. For the pass 21 years, we had witnessed the greatest pace of changes happening around us. From financial, social, politic to cultural, dozen of significant revelation and revolution had occurs. In the information age, the industrial age idea had became obsolete. For those who still live in the industrial age idea, they will lose. Industrial age idea such as the government has to take care the people, find a high paid job and work hard to climb corporate ladder, would not work in the information age. During the industrial, the problem is lack of information. Today, in the information age, there are too much information. The problem is how you be able to differentiate which information is good, unbiased and truthful. In the industrial age is how much you know that will make you rich. But, in the information age, is how fast you can learn and how compatible you to adapt with changes that keep continue coming in your everyday life that make you rich. For those we cannot keep up with the changes pace will be left out. The information age formula, Moore's law said that, the information processing capacity are doubling every 18 months. It means that, the information that you have know might expired in within 18 months. Meaning, today, you might be the king of the business, but tomorrow you might be out of businesses. In the information age, "changes" is wealth!

Insanity is "doing the same thing everyday to expect a different result"

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