Monday 30 August 2010

Expecting something Difference in Life

Albert Einstein once comment about insanity is "people tend to do the same things over and over again to expect a different result". I tend to agree with him. Most of us are doing the same routine every single day and hope some day our life will get better. The catch phrase of "it will be ok, don't worry" keep people doing the same routine every day. They go to work, feed the dog, mow the lawn, going shopping, cling on a pay check, buying expensive cars and house, save some money, spend the saving when "unexpected" event occur, hoping the government will someday help them. These familiar routine are what today people experience and practising. They want a difference life, yet, they fail because simply they do not change for what they do. If you want a different life, you need to change the way you doing things, or else nothing will change. In richdad poor dad series books, Robert Kiyosaki once mentioned that if you want to see your future, look at the 6 persons closest to you, you will see your future. Unless, you willing to change your life style and the way you live... nothing can be changed.

Friday 20 August 2010

Change Your Idea

"Change" is the key to become rich. Yes! All we need to do to become rich is by changing our idea, our thought. It is free to do it, and will cost you nothing. However, we often heard "it is easier to change a dynasty than a person thought". Metaphorically, it means for most people, changing their idea is very difficult.

How to change your idea? For me, it take courageous, commitment and discipline. There are differences between rich idea and poor idea. The poor always said:"study hard, get a good grade and find a high paid job". But the rich would say: "study hard, get a good grade, and buy a good business." The poor would say:"I could not afford it", but the rich would say:"how could i afford it".The poor could say:" i couldn't be rich because i has a kid", but the rich will instead say: " I need to be rich because i have a kid." These are some of the generic difference in term of idea between the rich and poor. The idea is the one that feed their brain into action to do the things that make them become what they became now, rich or poor. The idea is the one that motivate people to become rich or poor. So, stop using the poor idea, and start changing your thought and idea if you want to become rich and retire young.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Ways to Find a Great Investment Opportunities

There many ways to find a great investment. There specifically some of it which i personally think is very useful as a guidances. Here are the nutshell:
  1. Time where economical, political or technological changes.
  2. Depression or recession. During this time, amateur is selling and true investor can going back to the market to buy the best deal at the best price.
  3. Personal tragedy or calamity. During personal tragedy or calamity, they are desperate to exit, therefore you could get great bargain deal. It might sound exploitation to the victim, but this is one of the best way to find a good deal.
  4. Do not follow the crowd during the economy boom. Amateur are always coming late. That apply to both buying and selling. When taxi driver is handing out stock tips, it is time to sell.
  5. Know your numbers, do not be a guessing gambler. For every deal, good or bad shall be accountable. This where accounting is kick in to place.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Control over your Information

On 1989 Berlin wall came down, industrial age officially ended and information age started. Today, the information age is at 20 years old. In the information age, how much you learned is not as essential as how fast you learn. Today Moore's law stated that information processing capability is doubling every 18 months. It implicate that the information we get now will likely to be obsolete after 18 months. In the information age, virtually everyone can get all kind of information by clicks. This simple changes in today civilization has making opportunity to everyone to become rich never be easier. During industrial age, lack of information are always the factor for the poor or middle class difficult to be rich. Most of the valuable information are only accessible for certain group of people - the rich. But, at the information age, everything is on the world wide web. In today world it is not the lack of information, but too much information. Therefore, we need to know how to identify and distinguish the validity of the information. Control over the information you gather, and know how to manage it is today number skill to become rich and retire young. The one who can't control the information will find it difficult to become rich since they do not know how to use the information nor perhaps the information is not valid. As this apply to investing in stock, real estate and businesses. Remember as a professional investor, lack on information will bring you back to the stone age, and overload on information will fall prey to predatory con-man. So, manage your information well, and you shall be able to gain from the information you gather which virtually costless.

Monday 9 August 2010

The Price of Being Rich

Everything in life has a price. And the price of something is not always measure in money only. So, what is the price of being rich? Many so called financial experts are touting on financial frugality, asking people to live below their means, getting out of debt, save money, clip on coupons on sales, buy on cheap vacation and drive a second hand car. These financial expert believe in the price of being rich is to be cheap. Yes you can be rich by being cheap, but the problem is, even you are rich, you are still cheap.

For me the price of being rich is to be financially educated, learn to manage risk, willing to make mistakes, always be humble, be generous and continuously learning. Being rich is not so much to have a lot money to invest, but to be a person who himself is rich. It is the "people" thing that is the price of being rich, not the material or external factors. So, start asking yourself how bad you want to be rich? And would you willing to pay the price?

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Leveraging Other People Time

Leveraging simply mean to do more and more with less and less. This is the second important words in business and investing. For most people, leveraging only can be related to money, debt and bank. Nothing could further than that. Leveraging also can be related to intangible elements such as relationship, health and time. Time is one of the most important and valuable things in life. And time could be simply mean as speed. In today world, getting rich is not difficult. But getting rich quick is need high financial intelligent. It will be useless to become rich at the age of 90s, when you had consumed your whole life to achieve it. You might be rich, but you has no time to enjoy it. So, to buy time, you need to leverage it. We only have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. That is the maximum time, we could produce by individual. To accumulate wealth and make it growth, we need mass of time. 24 hours is definitely not enough. To solve the problem, the rich has come out with a brilliant solution - other people time. This why most company wiling to pay out hundred of million of paycheck every months to their employee. They pay them for their time. They leverage other people times. If you can leverage one more person time, you now has 48 hours, if you have 3, you got 72 hours, and if you have 1000, you now have virtually 24000 hours. If a project to accumulate 1 billion dollar require 240000 hours to complete the task, by numerical term, if you pursue by your self, you need at least 10000 days or 27.39 years to work it out, not to count the time of sleep, eat, social and recreation. yet, if you got 10000 employee work under you, you could have achieve the 1 billion dollar by 1 day . Consider the paycheck for 10000 employee is at 10 million dollar of that month. You virtually earn yourself of 990 million on that month, while only require 24 hours to complete the task. So by leveraging other people time, you not only could complete the job faster, you can have more ideas, more diversify skills and more alternative to achieve wealth and make it grow. In other word, leveraging other people time is the key why rich are getting richer and the middle class and poor remain poor.

Sunday 1 August 2010

First Who..Then What

What do we try to do? What should we do? What is the perks? What is the objective? There are so many "Whats" before we embarking to achieve something. The truth is, people always trap in "what" before commencing any actions to achieve what they want. For my opinion, it is the "who" that is really matter. We should change the concept of "what" to "who" in order to success in life.

Skills and knowledge is important. Especially come to "What" questions. Yet, skills and knowledge can be teach and trained. It is not the birthright or genetical. Therefore, knowing what to do and possess the skill to do it is not really going to guarantee you to success. But, "who" or should I said behavior, character and belief is difficult to nurtured. You can't send a person to 5 years university or intensive 5 days short course, expecting that will change a person behavior. It is almost impossible. The old saying in Chinese, "it is more easier to change a nation dynasty than change a person character", has proven to be truth by many main stream professional physiologist. Discipline, ethic and a strong heart is the essence to dictate whether a person would success or otherwise. There is why, we seen many A students who graduated from college and yet failed in their life. Yet, many C students who drop out of high school end up to be rich and successful. It does not mean that education is not important. What I trying to say is that, it takes behavior and positive character to determine a person's chances of success. If we examine those C students who drop out of high school, they are the one who learned from the failure during academy times, and change in behavior, and strive to success. And those who possess well-trained skills, graduated first class from university, they do not have a good character therefore could not strive well in real life regardless how educated they are.

The points is, before ask yourself what to do in order to success, simply ask yourself, what should your be? Who to be? That in order to bring you from point E to point A in your life.