Monday 14 June 2010

Financial Success: Building your Own Ark

In biblical story, I love the very famous tales of Noah and the Ark. Imagining that when God told Noah to build the Ark, it took Noah a great courage to come home and tell his wife and children about the news. Noah told his wife :" God told me to build the Ark. There will be storm rain coming. If we don't build the Ark, we will not going to survive." But his wife answer: "But, Noah, we are living in the middle of dessert, it not even rain out there, why there is a flood?" Despite the discouraging response from his family and friends, Noah determined and built the Ark, as told by the God. And the Ark was built, and Noah survive the flood. What make Noah being so determine on the belief different from everyone, is the vision he saw. The vision that took great mind, leadership, tenacity, perseverance and discipline to success.

In today economy world, many investor are living in the dream world. They worship advises from the poor, they worship Invest for the long term and diversify. They only see the market will only goes up. Most of them are only putting their money in the hand of stranger, hoping he or she will make their money growth, and when they are retire, the money will be there for them. They believe the government should take care of them. Their reality is on the victim hood of all external factors such as luck, parent, friends and environment. If any pitfall happen to their life, they will simply find someone or something else to blame. They are the dependent kind of people. This belief had and will cause the biggest crush of financial market.

Market always moving in cycle, market crush is part of the cycle. Yet, most of us are living in the figment of imagination that everything will be fine - market will always goes up. To survive the financial crush, we need to change our vision. We need to be different, to change despite any external negative feedbacks upon the acting. We need to act like Noah. We need to build our own Ark, the Ark to survive any coming financial crush. Today, we read financial news, we can see trillion dollar of debt currently bare by most powerful nations in the world. The government has no means to push the problem forward anymore. The problems has becoming too big, whereby most the government social program had and will failed to function. The bottom line, we all are on our own.

How to build the Ark? The answer is we need to act as independence and responsible kind of people. Obviously, the Ark size will be differ depend on each individual situation. A poor person's ark will be a leaky boat, which basically, you shall need no effort to build it. Social security, government pension plan such as 401k, EPF, CPF and other perks are often the case. A middle class person's ark will be slightly bigger, perhaps with some additional structure on it, that enable the vessel to float and nothing more. This is where mutual fund, long term and diversify investing theory come into play. They has debt to pay until they die. They are the best client to the rich, and because of them, the rich become richer. For rich person's ark, we need a strong big iron ship that has many cargo holds. The cargo holds is to load assets on it. This is where financial intelligent is so important. Our mind is the greatest asset we ever had. What we learned to becoming a better investor, the skills, the know hows, will never be taken away. These people, invest in themselves, before they invest in the market. These are the few people who driving their own future direction. They know how to control risks. Money or gain is not the issue. They are the breed that continuously learning and focus becoming a better investor, to make them the greatest asset of themselves.

By building your own financial Ark, you be able to archive and dictate your future. You will be more control over your own life. You can do the things you wanted to do. You will be free from the being slave to the money.

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