Tuesday 25 May 2010

Think Like a Dog - Success in Business

Human has a complex structure of brain. Human brain is made of complex layer from cortex, to sophisticated limbic system and neuron system. It help human to be able to think beyond other living organism we known. It help human to think more complex. Yet, when it come to business investment, human way of thinking make human more incline to fear, disappointment and escape. Often, people are so fear of losing their money, and fall prey to their own emotional error system of over analysis - analysis paralysis, thus they never do something. Some people did it once, fail and make those negative experience hold them back to try again. "Fail" is a verb, not a noun, yet most people make it as a noun, and it they become failure.

Dogs, on the other hand, is a simple creature made of simple construction brain. their brain is much smaller. Thus, they become more focus, optimistic and resilience when come to failing. If you has or had a dog, you know dog never demotivated by failure. They are focus, and only focusing on achieving anything they tend to archive. When you throw a Frisbee or a tennis ball to dog to catch it, no matter how many times they fails, they will come back to you again, with the same energy asking you to do it again. They are focusing on wining. They do not trap in how many times they unable to catch the Frisbee or tennis ball, they only remember the pass experience of joys of success. They response simplicity in term of pain, pleasure, love and respect. They fell down, get hurt, pain and displeasure, seconds later, they come back with strong, enthusiastic, full blown energy in front of their master. They are in some way surpass the emotional strength of human. They are focusing on winning and how to win again and again. Losing is hardly inside their dictionary. The concept is applicable to business, sales and marketing. If we can think like a dogs, we able to handle the emotional fear of losing, failing rejection and objection. We will be able to more focusing on how to win. When we are focus on both emotional and rational mindset, winning is just a matter of time.

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