Thursday 20 May 2010


Sales is number one skill for every entrepreneur. Statistic shown 9 out of 10 businesses failed at the first 5 years mainly is due to the business owner could not sales. Sales isn't about the closing the deal, promotions, prices, numbers, services or product. Sales is basically about knowing how to overcome the fear of objections, rejections, and criticism. We all sales, regardless we like it or not. In everyday life, when we talk our friends, parents, colleges, bosses, and even strangest, if you are either pursuing, arguing, demanding, promoting, presenting, teasing, mocking, teaching, questioning or asking, you are in these context of doing sales. When you ask for your mum for pocket money for some reason, you are selling. When you asking your lecturer to give you "A", you are selling. When you demanding to your boss for promotion or increment, you are selling. We all are selling in everyday life, it is part of everyone life. But, only few of us able to take this gifted nature talent to make themselves rich. Sales is your right brain, your emotional strength. It is about the capacity of you to handle critics. The more you able to overcome your negative emotions, fear of critics, the fear of being different, the new world will appear to you. A world that few of us could see. The world of entrepreneur, the world of for everyone to win, the world of earning your freedom - the world of rich!

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