Saturday 4 September 2010

Job Security: Giving up your life's Steering

Job security is a fad idea among the middle class and industrial age people. Most of us leave school with the reality to find a high paid, jobs, good benefit, a social pension in order to survive. They think their life is in the mercy of government and big private company. A secured job is more desirable than anything include times to spend with their family. They think is the job that feed their life, but the truth is, they give up their life to the job.

Today, we are talking about democracy, freedom and human right. I would said, that is just a figment of imagination especially, today people, at least most of us are living by job security. Freedom is to do what you desire to do at any time without encroach others freedom. Do you have a freedom if you on a job? Can you choose to sleep for another 5 min in the Monday morning? Can you say no to your bosses? Can you live without your job? Are you really in control and steering your life? What if tomorrow your bosses decided to fire you? How long you be able to live without your job? Can you sell your job? Can go to see your son football game in the middle of meeting? That's the freedom i am talking about. Once we in a job, we often use the words responsibility or obligation to be the excuse to keep us on job, and scarify others we wish to do. Job become our priority because that is the only reality people believe in order to survive in today society. But, people had forgot, less than 100 years ago, most of people are small and medium entrepreneur. Everyone is so creative and survive without a job. Not until giant corporation such as Ford created by Henry Ford during early 1900s, people started to give up their small business and enrol in job and security. The transaction from the spirit of entrepreneurship to job security since early 1900s has trap most of human in giving up the steering of their life.

So, by principle definition of job security, it mean giving up control in your life. It is okay for those who like to become passenger, but if you love driving, and wish to drive yourself to the destination you desire, it is best to give up the idea of job security and start to live yourself in the world that without a paycheck. All you need to do is to get educated financially and make yourself financially free. Doing the same thing everything would not change the outcome of your life, so if you want a different life, make the move today and start doing differently.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The key is in our pockets.
