Friday 30 April 2010

Becoming a Better Investor - The Art of Fishing

Japanese love to fishing. It is part of their social culture. When the Japanese fishing, they always want to catch the big fish. And to catch the big fish, you need the small fish to be bait. But, the interesting about these Japanese is, they didn't buy the small fish from the market. Instead, they buy the small shrimps. I wonder how they able to catch the big fish by those small shrimps, knowing the big fish do not eat the bait. The trick is, they use the small shrimp to catch the small fish, and by then using the small fish to catch the big fish. If you think the way they doing such way is because they want to save money by direct buying small fish from the market, then you are wrong. The main reasons for them to doing this are:

  1. The small shrimp are indeed cheaper, yet by using small shrimp to catch the small fish, it horn the fishing skill - you can't catch the small fish, what make you think you can catch the big one. It is more economic by using the cheap shrimp to train how to fish rather than using the expensive small fish.
  2. The big fish are smart, the Japanese know they like to eat live fish rather than the dead one. By using the small shrimp to catch the small fish, the Japanese got the live small fish as bait for the big fish. The chances for the big fish to eat the bait greatly increase.

The Japanese know, in the art of fishing, it is not about the bait, or the tools, or the location that destine the outcome. It is the "know how" and "How do". The Japanese is focusing on how to become a better fisher than the fishes.

It apply to the point that I been emphasize: " The sophisticated Investor is focusing on becoming a better investor rather than what investment he or she want to invest in."

*Thanks to my friend Mr. Zaidi Abdul Karim for his knowledge about Japanese fishing

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