Wednesday 31 March 2010

9 Rules of Entrepreneur (Rich)

Embrace it, walk the talk:

  1. Choose daily to be rich - "Wake up in the morning, and ask yourself:" what kind a person i want to be today? Rich or poor or middle class?"
  2. Choose your friend(s) carefully - "It is sometimes who you know is more important than what you know"
  3. Pay your advisor well - "the most expensive advise is free advise"
  4. Do not buy luxury by credit - "Buy liabilities first will end up no money to invest in any assets"
  5. Find your financial hero to emulate - "mirror neuron - a gift to everyone to learn by imitate and copy"
  6. Find the "why" inside you to become rich - "if there is a will, there is a way"
  7. Get something for free - " It does not take money to make money, but our mind "
  8. Master one formula then move to learn the next one - " Be focus when starting out, do not get yourself to broad, or else the destination will be "now here"! "
  9. Pay yourself first - " Not to pay the card, the loan, the debt but to yourself first! "

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