Thursday 8 March 2012

New World Order

On the hindsight of the past 50 years and so, we believe that we had enjoyed one of the longest peace time throughout recorded history of human kind. Yet, there been many prominent threats within that false sense of security. There are many controversial theory, conspiracy, ideology and hypothesis on how our world will once again fall into the pit hole of savage - the collapse of the modern civilization. From energy, to jobs, to economic, to politic, our world has never been on peace but a truce setting up by nations after the WWII and the Cold War. We never, in fact on this context never learned the mistake we took. We just pushing the problem forward.

The idea of civilization is a mechanism on how our society work. Society work when the mechanism is fair, efficient, regulated and unified. On all above, we however able to achieve all but "unified". Today, the united nations have roughly 192 nation in members. That's counted to be at least 192 distinctive regulator, government and system through out the world. Distinctive by means different. Different by mean will ultimately create friction and conflict of interest. "What a power man desire? More power!" As we all human by nature is a selfish creature, everyone, every nation will do whatever it takes to safeguard their own interest, in the expense of world peace. Imagine how does the conflicts of conflicts between 192 nations could produce? The Moore's law will do the math. The more unfortunate event is that the chamber of United nation as a mediator did not do any good jobs to be a body to solve any conflict within her members. Syria and Iran tell the case. By continuously to maintain separate governments and separate nation policies in our world, we will eventually repeat the mistake of our ancient civilization. The only way, for our civilization to leap to a next level is a one unified world, regardless of race, color, language, religion and ethnic. A new world order i would like to say here. One government, one people, one nation, one system.

There are many things we could not do, but we capable of doing, for the real benefit of the world, and for the continuity of our species. However, the only factor that limit us from doing that is we live in the non-unified world. For instances, energy crisis had happen since 1990s. We are so dependable to fossil energy, and other non-eneviromental friendly means of energy. Todays, our scientist have warn about the disastrous that our energy policies will bring to the world, and urging us to swift to clean energy resources such as solar, wind and hydro. On the technological pint of view, we indeed has the capabilities to do it. But what really stop us from execution, is not the switching costs, but geopolitical issues that raise. On the scale of so many different kind of government exist today, for any new idea that would undermine certain group self-interest will definitely jeopardize the change movement. Others, from the point of view of economy, for instance, today we are on the trade which countries with cheaper currency and man power will have an advantage toward the counter part countries. As trade boarder between nations become easier and easier, we are on the economic system of win-lose scenario. Someone has to lose in order to someone to win. This is a very unhealthy scenario whereby in fact the world we are living is set up for everyone to win. On the win-lose idea, conflict a raise, and therefore, a new problem from such conflicts will just a downward spiral, like viral that will eventually eat up all the resource, energy and understanding between nations involved. There are many more to think of...

Today, we live in the time of uncertainty. Economic crisis, energy crisis is eminent. Even some has speculate the world war 3. The problem are the by product of non-unify world orders. For we all are suppose under the same decedent, and evolution has making us apart geopolitically, we all are actually the same, apart of a superficial differences. For our future survival deep lie under how our society system direction moving to, should we not move into the "new world order", with one idea, one nation, one people, we will no choice but to stagnant in our civilization, by than, our existential will be undermined. There are much to discover, to achieve by us. It limits is not by technological but by the nature on how our live today. More the price to pay, or the scarify to make, there are something that we must do, if we want to make changes. "Insanity is doing the same things everyday to expect a different result tomorrow!"

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