Wednesday 13 April 2011

Anonymity is Resource

Most of people today underestimated the power of anonymity. They often trap themselves into a psychological framing of no-body can never to beat somebody. They therefore fall trap into process of looking for a free ride from the market leader.

In today world, the market is flood with, if not thousand, but million of product. An average hypermarket in big cities, have approximately 12,000 to 60,000 products. Still, most of the product are indirectly or directly relate to the big boys in the markets. Computer market, peopel relate themselves IBM, HP and Dell. Smart phone - Apple, HTC, Samsung. Paper product - kleenex. Ketchup - Heinz. They tend to imitate what the big boys is doing, as because they think they are no-body. The metooism and improved products are preached by today small companies . They think this is the only way to turn themselves from no-body to somebody. They want to become somebody before they have courages to do it their way. Unfortunately, often, the only scheme those metooism is keeping up with the jones with the big boy, and remain no-body.They never dare to announce themselves as "no-body" and has nothing to do with "somebody". They do not do it as their way, even though they might have a better innovation way of doing things. They underestimate the power of anonymity.

President Nixon is a "somebody" that almost everyone knew, but almost anybody can beat him. That just a extreme example, but not a isolated case. Today, even media is looking for new fresh young look to be introduce to make a new buzz. The audience are very knee to expect something news and underdog to come into market. Even former famous American film maker, printmaker and painter Andy Warhol once said " in future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." Therefore, when the 15 minute arrive, be prepare and make most of every second, to earn a extra minutes. Do not underestimate the power of anonymity. Keep it until you ready to spend it. And remember, if you wish to spend it, spend it big and wise.

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