Tuesday 6 September 2011


Globalization. Word that is no stranger to people who live in 21st century. We heard of it, speak of it. But, what does it mean? What is the content and context behind the word, let alone the lexicographic part. The simplest way to depict the globalization is the world had and still is evolving from many to one. It means the boundaries between 150s nations we known today are depleting. The innovation and technological breakthrough since the collapse of berlin wall has leveled the economy and social field of our world.

In the old times, the world are separated into nations. Each nation preserved and live by its own rules. Protectionism is prevalent. Vertical is how the society work. Bureaucrat and strata status can be seen on both capitalist and socialist country. Today, the capacity of modem and fiber optic cable are enormous. Thanks to the over investment during the dot-com bubble on millennium. Together with exponential growth processing capacity of chips, more and more powerful portable device is invented. People are now able to buy a device with very low price that able to produce productivity of 50 person during 1950s. Beside, the device and bring you to the virtue world of internet that has no boundaries. Information are overwhelmingly available. People are connected in ways beyond imagination of our ancestor. By that it the prelude of globalization.

Globalization will ultimately bring forth 150s separate nations into one integrated community. Unlike during the cold world, the world is under two super power. Today, the world is going into the direction of no one in charges. The changes are unseen and progressively. Unfortunately, most of us unaware of it, even though we speak of it. The impact behind the changes will be evolutionary. It will change the way we live. It will change our belief. Those who cannot keep up with the changes will be left behind.

Firstly, the impact will be jobs. Most of developed countries now are facing challenges of jobs are being took away. Not just the blue collar jobs, but the white collar jobs. Countries such as india, china and south east asia, they are more younger, smarter and cheaper labor available to the market now. With convergence of information technology and the idea of capitalism oriented society, jobs are going to the most economic solutions. And more recently, automation are becoming trendy in the industry, where robotic solution are brought to replace human capital. There are many jobs now used to be human drive are now can easily be done by "0101 logic" drive robot. So, where will you place yourself in the new world. Are you worry about your future? As globalization will eventually bring the world economy toward global balances, there are equally fair in both opportunities and downsizes to everyone. Which part you will be will depend on how you be able to adapt and changes with the fast changing world.

Second, the economy and business will no longer limit by geographically. There will be no more saying Apple.inc in American company or RollsRoyce is a british company. The business activities itself are going off geography. Now, all business are looking to invest in countries that will provide economical advantages. Today, Apple.inc for example, are manufacturing its iPhones, iPods, iPads and Macs in China. As more most of her employee are now foreigner in foreign countries. How would you like to define Apple.inc are American company, even though she incorporated in America. It use to be the bigger the company in your country, the more benefit the people within the country will enjoy it. But now, the rules had changes. Developed countries are now no longer enjoy the privilege of getting the best business position first. Geographical element are no longer served you very well in businesses. There are no more different between company that from "America" than the company from "India". Both have a equal chances of striving in the new globalization world.

Third, company size are no longer matter. With technologies available today, one can be small and act big. Leverages are every ways. The business are no longer limits by the boundaries of physical location. Distance are no longer matter. Meaning, even the smallest company with the best innovative idea, can compete with the empire of state building. Fast, accuracy and effectiveness are the only answer will make the survive. You might be the king of the world today, but tomorrow you might be out of the businesses.

Fourth, political and social changes. As globalization is coming, the boundaries are depleting, government are going to deal with a more complex society. It is hard for a government to govern a society of 400 millions population such as America, giving with the resources and capability of greatest nation in the world today. Imagine how the society will become when 6.5 billion people are connected. How would government dealing each other and how will the culture collapse among 6.5 billion population end up with? It served as a double edge swords, as political and social idea are easy to spread, as many optimist suggest the world will become more civilized and educated and knowledge is now free everyday. It will prove that to be truth if only the good knowledge is spread. However, the information technology served those extremist with left-wing ideas to bring chaos to the world. The technology that human create today are impersonal to either good or bad knowledge. AlQaeda are the epitome for such case. The less boundaries world will bring forth a more complex society we will never encounter in history. Which direction we will be heading are still unknown.

Lastly, environmental issues, energy and natural resources. As the world become smaller, the demand of good life will be extensive. We all now the rules of 90/10, as 10% of population today enjoy the 90% of resources in the world. It work only if the world has the boundaries between the rich nation and the poor one. But, as globalization are contagious and persistence, the lower strata level of majority population will start to wake up and want to eat the pie. The demand of resources will be enormous. The frenzy of enjoy the riches enjoy, the american dream will make majority undeveloped country to do whatever it take to take the place of the developed country - including destroyed the ecosystem of our nature. The energy demand will exponentially grow in way of supply could not coupe with. It mean, the natural resource and energy supply will dwindle in the pace we human could not perceived. And by then, if without a proper education and planning on global scale, our world will be eaten up parasite that so frenzy and selfish - homo sapiens.

As the conclusion, globalization sound a word, but what lay within it is much more to learn. It is always truth that for everything we known, 90% are in the invisible. Therefore, we all must act and prepared for the biggest evolution to come. A very big challenges that every human kind need to participate actively or passively. It is a silent impact that gradually happening around us everyday, slowly and progressively in a growing pace. It will be a big event in the history book of our next generation.